Wednesday, February 25, 2004

For most of the world this is just another Wednesday but here in Southern Louisiana it is the morning after the biggest party of the year. Mardi Gras. I didn't party but it seems I have the hangover, without the drinking. This is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Coming back after four days away, has been hard. It seems as if the force here, has gathered more resistance against me.

My staff is always quick to tell me the things that they felt were wrong during my absence. I found out that the maintenance supervisor took off Monday. They know that he is on my short list and that he and I have some history. He is returning to his slug like patterns after his eight week of fully paid sick leave. He was recovering from a heart bypass procedure.

He was untouchable while the Manager was here. He allowed him to get by with way too much in my estimation and refused to tell him to get off his ass. I rarely passed up an opportunity to tell the manager what I thought of his lack of value, but he wasn't going to do anything about it. He insisted that having him on payroll was saving us money over using outside contractors. I need to research that.

One of the biggest reasons that he is unlikable, is the bragging and gloating he does about his situation. Like a fat bullfrog, he tells my staff about how much money he makes doing outside service calls while he is on our clock. He tells them he doesn't cash his checks from the Club for weeks at a time and that he is only working here for the health insurance. They see him sitting at the bar drinking coffee and reading the paper each morning. One of my cooks wonders why he can't at least read us our horoscope while he sits there? He has been caught asleep in the lounge in front of the television and he will disappear for half a day "running errands" and no one will know where he is. I get reports from a family member in the A/C business that he hangs out at the supply houses eating their donuts,and bragging about his sweet deal here at the Club. He also hands out unsolicited advise about how to cheat people, or how best to half ass a job. They refer to him as fat bastard, or F.B. for short.

He also works at the bakery that his girlfriend owns, and I know he spent Monday making King Cakes instead of being here. I know he does this quite a bit. In fact our uniform route man has seen him doing this.

Because of these facts and others, I have to admit, I don't like the man. I feel he has been taking advantage of the Club even before he was on our payroll. He was our A/C contractor for years before his hire.

I think that he is an asshole, plain and simple. I think that he likes being an asshole. I think he always has been, and always will be an asshole. I think he knows it, and everybody who works here knows it. The Mgr. knows it too, but chose not to do anything about it.

When he returned from leave the Manager was gone. He was told by the Asst. Mgr. that I was to be his supervisor. It was not well received to say the least. I told him that he had to account to me for his whereabouts and what his projects were.

He doesn't care for me because I've always told him how I've felt. Including that I don't like him. He has been mentioned in my sacramental reconciliation and my prayers.Now he is under my supervision. But today, I don't have the strength to deal with him.

On this first day of lent I will say a prayer for him, as well as the grace for myself, to deal with him...Amen

Friday, February 20, 2004

There was a different tone in the pantry when I arrived this morning. The long faces had turned into smiles. Velma & Elroy were laughing, finger sandwiches by the hundreds were being produced for tommorrow's wedding reception, and the normal clamor had returned. Dudley, my sous chef, was finishing up the morning's production. He was baking off the luncheon run of cornbread, vienna rolls & frying the 90 lbs. of catfish that he does to start lunch every Friday. The 25 gallons of seafood gumbo, of which the base was made last night, had been filled with 50 lbs of shrimp & 3 gallons of select oysters. This displacement of seafood, is known here as The Bottom. He was waiting for me to taste and approve it before "picking it up". Dudley is my workhorse. He can accomplish more prodution than almost any one person I've ever worked with. He is a real asset here.

My strong A.M. line cook is back on the clock after a month. He was recovering from surgery for a hiatal hernia. He is an extermely likable and reasonably dependable kid. He handles his responsibilities rather well & has learned quite a bit over the last 3.5 years.The thing is, he is quite the social animal. He lives up to his nickname of "Talk-Talk". He can drive you nuts with his constant chatter. I've noticed that after four weeks, I have lost my ability to understand his quick tempo and foul-mouthed vernacular. I try to comprehend in context, but today it is exceedingly tough. He was anxious to get back to work, but mostly he has been craving the social benefits of this setting. See, he is part of what Dudley calls " The Blend", that socio-economic matrix that defines our tone of job performance here at the Club. It is not socially appropriate within the matrix to exceed that level of performance. He and several other employees often perform above that level, but they often receive a great deal of social backlash. So they fall back into" The Blend". Dudley understands this and has to deal with it more than I do. We are both management of course. but he hears more of the low level talk which is spoken well out of my range. Thus the resolution in the pantry occured within " The Blend".

I returned a call from the board member who hosted the Petro Quest dinner on Tuesday nignt. He apoligized for not calling me sooner to thank me for the night's venue. He and his guests were thoroughly pleased with the event and he thought the entire staff did a great job. He has started to have a personal business relationship with me over the last few weeks. I felt I had to use this opportunity to discuss something with him of a more sensitive nature.

I told him that I was feeling a lot of anxiety about the pressure to call the Club's Mgr. while he is in treatment. This has been coming from the Ass't Mgr. and the Mgr's wife. The first & last time I spoke to him he asked me "What can I do to help?". This floored me! I told him " Boss, we are fine and working on the issues ay hand. You need to use this opportunity to resolve the torments that have been plaguing you. We are all working for your best interest". He told me to try and lay low, and not make any drastic changes until his return.
After the call had ended I was shaken. Honestly I was angry. I was the one left here with a target on my back. I was told by the CPA at our first meeting, "that due to the poor operating results this fiscal year, including a $80,000.00 increase in the cost of sales, that if things didn't improve over the next three months, heads would roll". Now the manager wants to help!

Great Huh! Now he wants to help! The reason we are in this predicament is because he didn't make the operational changes necessary to improve our operating results! Not only that, the board of directors doesn't know who to trust. I have never been given me the opportunity to build a relationship with any of them. Now, as a matter of self preservation, I have to start.
I know that the Asst. Mgr. is discussing Club affairs with him. During one of my conversations with the Asst. to rehire a former dishwasher, he said he would mention it to the Mgr. to "See what he thinks". I told him then that I thought that was inappropriate and not in anybody's best interest to have that discussion.
Now I only told the board member that I was uncomfortable about talking to the Mgr. about Club business. I also said that I thought the Asst. was filling him in on Club business and getting his directives. He told me he that was going to handle it discreetly with another board member, for me to continue as I have been doing and he would get back to me next week.

Well it is almost 11:00 P.M. and I am the last kitchen staff member here. This is Mardi Gras weekend and I am looking forward to four consecutive days off. Maybe I can find time for that cigar. I will post next time on Ash Wednesday..........

Thursday, February 19, 2004

A beautiful Louisiana day. Sunny and about 60 degrees. It sure would be a great day to be on my Harley. It has been too long without a ride.I've also been craving a cigar but I can't seem to find the time to enjoy one.
Fresca and the luminous mysteries lead me into the club this morning.
I arrive to trauma in the pantry. Velma is brow beating the staff again. Actually, I can't disagree with her about Elroy's apathetic motivation, but she is certainly not a pleasure to work with. Elroy is more concerned with his cellular calls, skirt chasing & how he is going to sneak out at 1:00 P.M rather than putting out the salad buffet. I've been in this situation enough times to know that it is beyond resolve. I do try, but I should know that it will run it's course and the work will get done.
Today my staff is needy. I spend a lot of time passing out encouragement and gratitude. One of my first rate cooks arrives at noon already frustrated. Not just about what he has to do today, but life in general. I just let him steady his own course & hope he stays afloat. I offend him by not catering to his spoiled disposition. Usually I baby him a bit & that pisses him off, but today the opposite is true. Another case beyond resolve.
I met with CONCO's district manager to negotiate the primary purveyor program that I suggested to the board of directors. This would give CONCO about $ 600,000.00 a year in my food purchases. We in return, would get a further savings of 2% in product costs. A smooth country boy he is indeed. Nice enough fellow, yet there are problems in the agreement. The numbers don't jive with our initial discussion. Doerle foods wants the same business, so I will continue to negotiate. I have learned alot about the food sales business during this process.
This is day two for the new busman Quinton. I have been watching him today & still have yet to see him smile. I do notice he spends a lot of time admiring himself in the restroom mirror. I don't really know for sure that he has washed his hands.
Speaking of smiles, the club Asst. Mgr. isn't doing much of that today. I notice a kind of glare when he looks at me. All during the meeting with the board's CPA, he has his arms folded defensively across his chest . The CPA tested my cost of sales analysis of our member dining program & was convinced of my accuracy. He felt all the increases were just, yet still reasonable for our members. The Asst. Mgr. was not impressed. He doesn't want to rock the sinking ship. He also knows that he will be tossed around like a ragdoll by the club's cronic blowhard complainers. He conceded only after the CPA insisted that our pricing was still below other establishments in our market & getting tossed around was part of his job description.
I feel that he (Asst. Mgr.), is still communicating with the vacant club Mgr. who is telling him not to do anything before his return. Sorry, but I feel this is crazy. The man is on a medical leave, not at a conference. I answer to the Board of Directors now, not to him. The mgr. needs to focus on his own recovery.
The next step is to present this information with the board's house committee. The CPA suggests that I should attend to help explain our proposal. The Asst. seems skeptical but relieved. The poor guy is probably thinking "I don't need this. I just want to coast until retirement. Man I am angry with J.B.". I am glad I finally get to speak before the board.
Bingo night was consistent with about 80 covers. I had a chance to mingle with the membership & was well received.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

After the crest of last night's dinner, I faced a glamorous day of employee resentment, fear, anger, predjudice, probably some hatred, jealousy and envy from a lot of different departments at the club today. My kitchen staff doesn't seem to mind working with me much, but since the management shake-up, there is a lot of subterfuge. Older employees are questioning my authority. I really am not trying to work a power play, I just want this chance to set things right.The thing is most of the employees like things the way that they are. The status quo allows them freedom to do as they please. Unfortunately if things continue as they are, we face the chance of going under. I want the Club to survive, really I want my job to survive !
One of the highlights today was going into the filthy employee bathroom to find an employee on his day off, showering . He was using our table linens as bath towels, matt and curtain. He also had the lavatories running full steam to generate a sauna effect. The fog filled the space as I entered. He has been doing this for years with management never questioning it. He was talking to himself as usual, and peeped his head out to say " Hi Chef ". I replied "Hey Monk" and noticed another employee in the stall next to my urinal. I could tell by his feet that he was standing up and and pulling him self together. I turned my head to see who it was. It was the new busman that I hadn't yet been introduced to. HE LEFT WITHOUT WASHING HIS HANDS. Great, now his first encounter with me will be about this. He will resent me from the start. As I am washing up, another busman enters and goes to the stall that busman #1 just exits. I hear him gasp and I say " What ?". We both look at a grisly load left unflushed topped with a whole roll of saturated toilet paper. We are both speechless.
Great... Now I have the pleasure of finding his "supervisor". Not only do I tell him about the fact he didn't wash his hands before returning to his station, but I lead him in to the ghastly scene of another crime against humanity.
Can you guess? The kid denies it. He was "just tucking in his shirt". Maybe he was enjoying the vista?
Well the supervisor and I find a plunger and set things right.
I can't help but to think about the bumper sticker icon in Monk's shower stall that reads...."WE ARE THE UNWILLING, LED BY THE UNQUALIFIED, DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE, FOR THE UNGRATEFUL" I know that is horrible, but without realizing it, this seems to be some of our staff's service credo.
Well I finished up Steak Night. I also competed the cost analysis for our luncheon program.
See the following....


Current Price Cost of Sales $ Current COS % Proposed Price Proposed COS %
Hamburger $3.75 $1.75 46.67% $5.75 30.43%
Petroleum Club $4.25 $1.73 40.71% $5.25 32.95%
Reuben $5.25 $2.03 38.67% $6.25 32.48%
Corned Beef $3.95 $1.83 46.33% $4.95 36.97%
Open Face Steak $8.25 $4.96 60.12% $9.25 53.62%
Grilled Chicken $5.50 $2.03 36.91% $6.50 31.23%
Shrimp Poboy $6.75 $2.30 34.07% $7.75 29.68%
Catfish Poboy $5.25 $2.30 43.81% $6.00 38.33%
Ham & Cheese $4.25 $1.48 34.82% $5.25 28.19%
Roasted Turkey $4.25 $1.58 37.18% $5.25 30.10%
Grilled Cheese $2.25 $1.18 52.44% $3.25 36.31%
Shrimp Salad $5.25 $2.28 43.43% $6.75 33.78%
Tuna Salad $3.75 $1.16 30.93% $4.50 25.78%

Weekly Special $5.25 $3.97 75.62% $7.25 54.76%
Light Side Special $5.25 $3.98 75.81% $7.25 54.90%
Daily Buffet $8.75 $4.63 52.91% $9.75 47.49%
Child Buffet $5.50 $5.50
Salad Bar $5.50 $5.13 93.27% $7.25 70.76%
Child Salad $3.50 $3.50
Sunday Buffet $11.95 $6.06 50.71% $13.95 43.44%
Sunday Child $6.00 $7.00
Sunday Salad Bar $6.25 $5.13 82.08% $9.25 55.46%

Soup (cup) $2.25 $0.65 28.89% $3.00 21.67%
Soup (bowl) $2.50 $0.98 39.20% $4.00 24.50%
Gumbo (cup) $2.75 $1.54 56.00% $3.75 41.07%
Gumbo (bowl) $3.00 $2.31 77.00% $5.00 46.20%
French Fries $1.50 $0.48 32.00% $2.00 24.00%
Onion Rings $2.00 $0.60 30.00% $2.50 24.00%
Cheesecake $3.00 $1.21 40.33% $3.75 32.27%
Desserts $2.00 $0.68 34.00% $3.00 22.67%
Beverages $1.00 $0.42 42.00% $1.50 28.00%

Chicken Caesar $6.50 $2.11 32.46% $7.50 28.13%
Caesar $4.50 $0.91 20.22% $5.50 16.55%
Fruit Plate $5.50 $1.74 31.64% $6.50 26.77%
Side Salad $2.75 $0.68 24.73% $3.25 20.92%
Bowl of Fruit $2.00 $1.08 54.00% $3.00 36.00%
Shrimp Salad $8.25 $2.78 33.70% $9.25 30.05%
Fried Catfish $6.95 $4.10 58.99% $7.95 51.57%
#1 $4.50 $1.58 35.11% $5.75 27.48%
The Thing $3.75 $1.96 52.27% $5.75 34.09%
#2 $8.25 $4.83 58.55% $9.25 52.22%
½ Fried Catfish $3.50 $2.30 65.71% $4.00 57.50%

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

This is my first chance to journal my thoughts today. Things have turned out great, even with my post stress headache. The dinner for the Petro Quest executives went very well. Twelve gentlemen were here for a casual good time, accompanied by a superb offering of food and wine. The evening allowed me to be introduced as a professional and I had a chance to speak with them. It really made it all quite satisfying. Several of them spent quite a bit of time in Cincinnati and were familiar with The Gourmet Room, and one had an office in the World Trade Center and frequented The Millinium. They really loved my spiced pecans and I gave each of them a 1/2 lb. to take with them.
Today I put it on the line for this event & by the grace of God, all went well. As with all performers, it really is amazing what we do as chefs. Each event is make or break.

• Crab Soup Senenglaise
Curried Crab Soup with a Crispy Wonton
• Winter Green Salad
With Pears, Spiced Pecans & Gorgonzola Cheese
• Roasted Rack of Lamb
In an Herbed Mustard Crust. Served with Dauphinoise Potatoes, Haricot Vert & Porcini Mushroom Jus
• Raspberry Crème Brulee
With Almond Brittle
Petro Quest Board Dinner

Menu Ingredients ordered specifically for this function
2 lbs. Crabmeat Jumbo Lump $41.90
5 lbs. Crabs Dressed $13.75
1 lb. Crab Base $10.90
1 cs. Wonton Skins $13.18
10 lbs. Fresh Pears $29.54
1 cs. Belgian Endive $23.49
1 cs. Boston Bibb $10.13
1 lb. Chives $9.44
1 lb. Thyme $21.43
1 lb. Rosemary $28.22
1 cs. Yukon Gold Potatoes $19.96
5 lbs. Shallots $11.67
5 lbs. Haricot Vert $20.77
12.5 lbs Lamb Racks FR C $114.04
5 lbs. Pecan Halves $23.27
1 Wheel Gorgonzola $26.74
1 cs. Raspberries $27.60

TOTAL COS = $446.03
Twelve covers at a 33% cost = $111.50++ per person
Wine will be provided by the client we will charge a corkage fee of $15.00 per bottle.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Operational Observations

Cost of Sales
1- Member luncheon buffets are set in rotation to meet expectation of quality and selection, without specific attention to pricing. The recent price increase of 90 cents is not adequate to cover costs.

2-We are currently investigating the overall effect of product cost increases and its direct effect on annual food cost of sales.

3-I have provided you with cost analysis for all rotating member buffets.

4-I have immediately begun to evaluate and make changes on regular member buffets to reduce costs without adversely affecting satisfaction and quality of service.

5-Salad Bar costs are exceedingly high & the selling price of $5.25 is too low. There are problems with guests not getting charged for the salad bar plus the buffet price.

6-Evening buffets (i.e. - Bingo, Friday Night) are designed with higher cost items and greater selection than lunch, yet are not priced accordingly. Cover counts of these weekly events are diminishing.

7-The Family Night buffet is not generating enough revenue to begin to cover costs. We average around 20 covers.

8-While private function luncheon buffets are priced at $ 9.50 they include dessert. This is priced lower than member dining.

9-Many regular diners for weekly luncheon meetings eat from the member buffet and salad bar & carry their meals to their private rooms. There is no system to prevent this from occurring.

10-Special member events run very high food costs (i.e. - Lobster Night, Chateau Night).

11-The Sunday Lunch Buffet &Holiday Buffets (i.e. - Thanksgiving, Santa Sunday, Easter, Mother's Day), allow children to eat free. While I think this is a fine idea, there is no record kept of how many children eat. This affects the cost of sales.

12-Food cost for Steak Night using Prime Beef, while very successful, is producing a cost of sales in excess of 70.0%.

13-There is a tremendous amount of food being packed to go without a record of charges.

14-Employee meals are adversely affecting the cost of sales. Employees are eating at will and taking food to go.

15-The current method for presenting desserts in the member dining room allows for pilferage and waste. The amount of desserts being prepared for service does not match the amount sold.

16-The frequent inability of the front of the house staff to provide head counts for private functions, often leads to over production or lags in service.

17-We still charge $9. 50 for regular dinner private functions. The same pricing as lunch.

18-I am currently working with Conco Foodservice to negotiate a Primary Purveyor Program. This would give us lower product costs & further incentives for savings. This would also allow us to track and react to cost increases much more effectively.

19-We need to rework all current a la carte dining menus with new pricing strategies.

20-New member events need to be developed to increase attendance.

Revenue Reporting

1-There is a severe problem with guest check accuracy.

2-The current service system allows for a high risk of walkouts and improper reporting.

3-Current system of guest check reconciliation is not being utilized, or enforced.

4-Duplicate checks are not being used for a la carte orders. This prevents kitchen personnel from checking accuracy of charges.

5-Waitstaff needs further training to know menu items & pricing.

6-Systems are not in place to provide accurate head counts for private functions.

7-Billing inaccuracies occur frequently due to private parties eating from the member buffet at lunch time. ( i.e.: "go down eat up ", eating from member salad bar before going to private function, soup, etc. )

8-A P.O.S. System would greatly improve the accuracy of charges and I believe increase revenue.


1-The current service system is not labor efficient. Member dining area staffing needs to be more closely monitored. Supervisors are not acting as supervisors.

2-The high turnover in front of the house employees creates many problems. Poor training, service and ineffectual scheduling result in overtime for higher paid employees.

3-Many hours are lost with overstaffing banquet employees in set up time and hours without supervision.

4-The Maintenance Supervisor position needs to be reevaluated. The current individual is not motivated to complete projects & provides no direct impact on cleanliness, preventative maintenance or the general maintenance of kitchen areas.
Dean George has been employed as the Executive Chef of the Petroleum Club of Lafayette for almost 8 years. He is the longest tenured chef in the 51 year history of the club. He resides in New Iberia with his wife of ten years, Jenny.
A native of Cincinnati, Ohio he began his culinary education after nine years experience as a restaurant manager. He graduated cum laude with a degree in culinary arts from The Cincinnati Culinary Arts Academy.
Beginning as an extern with Hilton Hotels Corporation, he began a hotel career that lasted 12 years. He was employed at corporate hotels as a Sous Chef in Louisville and Cincinnati, served as Chef de Cuisine of a “4” star mobile rated restaurant, and traveled to implement programs in Nashville, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Detroit and Washington D.C. Continuing education took place at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY.
He held the Position of Executive Chef at properties in Cincinnati, Detroit and the upscale Hotel Millenium, a 561 room property in the heart of Manhattan’s financial district. He then served as Director of Food and Beverage at The Deerfield Beach Hilton in Boca Raton, Florida.
With a career in food and beverage of over 27 years, this 44 year old has a rich and diverse portfolio of experience in all areas of food and beverage management. He loves life here in Louisiana, and considers this his forever home.
What is the favorite part of his job? “The performance art of satisfying guests beyond their expectations.”
I just left a meeting with the CPA, and Asst. Club Mgr. to discuss topics for the board of directors meeting this afternoon. Since the Club Mgr. has been out on medical leave (at least 90 days), we have been running things. The board has been asking serious questions about operations here. Problems with operating results have been hidden for quite some time. Part of which drove the manager completely into the bottle.... He didn't want to face some tough decisions. Just pouring more litter into a filthy cat box only works for so long. Fr. Jude says it is surely an answer to prayer. So many things have frustrated me here for so long.
"This is highly unusual". I dressed and hurried out of the door this morning. A cold damp Louisiana morning. Coffee in hand, wearing rental polyester checked pants, I head out through the mud in my Chevy Silverado. I drive LA 182 in Iberia parish past the truck stop Casinos & combination used car lot bar. I make a quick cellular call to my meat purveyor about lamb chops for a corporate Board of Directors dinner on Tuesday night. A multi-national oil company is hosting members from across the globe here tommorrow night. Quite a dichotomy. I pass burning cane fields, pray The Angelus, and twenty minutes later I am at the club. The Petroleum Club Of Lafayette.